Flashing Where Siding Meets Concrete: The Complete Guide to How to Seal It Properly

Flashing is a crucial aspect of siding installation, as it helps to protect your home from water damage and other weather-related issues. When flashing is not properly installed or maintained, it can lead to costly repairs and damage to your home’s structure.

This is especially true where siding meets concrete, as this area is prone to water infiltration and damage. In this guide, we will explain what flashing is, the importance of proper flashing installation, and how to seal it properly to protect your home.

What is flashing and why is it important?

Flashing is an essential part of building construction and is used to protect buildings from water damage. Water is a major cause of damage to buildings, and flashing is used to divert water away from areas where it could potentially cause damage.

Flashing is typically made from thin strips of metal or plastic and is used to cover joints and openings in a building’s structure. It is most commonly used around windows, doors, and at the intersection of siding and concrete.

There are several different types of flashing, including:


Flashing is a thin layer of material, typically metal or a waterproof material used to seal and protect the intersections between different building materials. It is commonly installed on the tops of walls and chimneys to divert water away from the building.

Flashing helps to prevent water infiltration, which can lead to damage and deterioration of the building structure. The flashing is installed in such a way as to allow for the expansion and contraction of the building materials and to direct water away from the building, typically into a gutter or downspout system.

Proper installation of flashing is essential to the overall integrity and durability of the building.

Step flashing

Corner flashing is a type of roofing material used to protect the corners of a building from water damage. It is typically made from metal and is installed in a series of “steps” along the corner of a building. Each step is overlapped by the next to create a watertight seal.

The purpose of corner flashing is to redirect water away from the building’s corners and prevent it from seeping into the structure. Without proper flashing, water can penetrate the corners of a building and cause damage to the walls, framing, and other structures.

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Corner flashing is an important component of a building’s roofing system and should be properly installed and maintained to ensure its effectiveness.

Drip edge flashing

Drip edge flashing is a type of roof flashing that is installed along the edges of a roof. It is typically made from metal, such as aluminium or galvanized steel, and is designed to protect the edges of the roof from water damage.

The flashing has a downward-sloping edge that helps to direct water away from the building, preventing it from pooling on the roof and seeping into the structure. Drip edge flashing is an important component of a roofing system, as it helps to prevent water from infiltrating the building through the roof.

It is typically installed along the eaves and rakes of a roof, and may also be used along gables and other roof projections. Proper installation of drip edge flashing is essential to ensure that it functions correctly and helps to protect the roof and building from water damage.

Valley flashing

Valley flashing is a type of roof flashing used to protect the intersection of two sloping roofs. It is installed in the valley formed by the two roofs, which is the area where water is most likely to collect and run off. Valley flashing is typically made from metal, such as aluminium or galvanized steel, and is designed to divert water away from the building.

To install valley flashing, the roofing material at the intersection of the two roofs is first removed to expose the underlying wood decking. The flashing is then cut to fit the valley and is installed over the wood decking, typically with the use of roofing nails or adhesive. The flashing is placed in such a way as to direct water away from the building and towards the gutter system.

Valley flashing is an important part of any roofing system, as it helps to prevent water damage to the building. Without proper valley flashing, water can collect in the valley and potentially leak into the building, causing damage to the roof, walls, and foundation. Valley flashing should be checked regularly for damage and replaced if necessary to ensure the integrity of the roofing system.

Flashing is an important part of building construction because it helps to prevent water damage. Water can cause significant damage to buildings if it is allowed to enter the structure and is not properly diverted. 

Flashing is used to direct water away from areas where it could potentially cause damage, such as around windows, doors, and at the intersection of siding and concrete. Proper installation of flashing is critical to its effectiveness. 

Flashing should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and should be sealed properly to ensure that it is watertight. If the flashing is not installed properly, it may not be effective at diverting water away from the building and could potentially lead to water damage.

In summary, flashing is a thin strip of material that is used to direct water away from joints and openings in a building. It is an essential part of building construction and is used to protect buildings from water damage. 

Proper installation of flashing is critical to its effectiveness, and it should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and sealed properly to ensure that it is watertight.

Proper flashing installation is crucial for the overall integrity and durability of your home. If the flashing is not properly installed, it can lead to leaks, water damage, and other problems that can be costly to repair.

How to seal flashing properly

Clean the flashing and surrounding area

Cleaning the flashing and surrounding area is an important step before sealing the flashing. The flashing is a thin strip of material, usually metal or plastic, that is used to divert water away from a joint or seam in a roof or wall.

It helps to prevent leaks and water damage by directing water away from these areas. Before you begin sealing the flashing, you should first remove any dirt, debris, or loose material from the flashing using a scraper or putty knife. This will help to ensure that the flashing is as clean as possible before you apply the sealant.

Next, you should use a cleaner specifically designed for metal or plastic (depending on the material of your flashing) to remove any dirt or grime. This will help to ensure that the sealant adheres properly and that the flashing is protected from future water damage. Once the flashing and surrounding area are clean and dry, you can then proceed with sealing the flashing.

Repair any damages

Flashing is a material that is used to protect the roof, walls, and foundation of a building from water damage. It is typically made of metal or waterproof material, and it is used to seal joints and openings in the building’s envelope to prevent water from entering. If the flashing has been damaged, it is important to repair it as soon as possible to prevent water from entering the building.

To repair any damages to the flashing, you will need to first identify the type of flashing that is used. If it is metal flashing, you can use metal tape to fill in any holes or dents. If it is a different type of flashing, you may need to use a patching compound specifically designed for the material.

To repair the flashing, start by cleaning the area around the damage to remove any dirt or debris. Then, apply the patching compound or metal tape to the damaged area, making sure to smooth it out and remove any excess. Finally, allow the patch to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

It is important to repair any damage to the flashing as soon as possible to prevent further water damage to the building. If the damage is significant or you are unsure of how to properly repair it, it is always a good idea to consult a professional to ensure the repair is done correctly.

Apply flashing tape

To apply flashing tape, follow these steps:

  • Clean the surface of the flashing to ensure that it is free of dirt, debris, and moisture. This will help the tape adhere properly.
  • Cut the tape to the desired length. Make sure to leave enough excess on either end to wrap around the edges of the flashing.
  • Peel off the backing from the tape and place it onto the flashing, starting at one end and working your way to the other.
  • Press down firmly on the tape to ensure that it adheres well to the flashing. Be sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles as you go.
  • Wrap the excess tape around the edges of the flashing, overlapping the tape slightly to create a seamless seal.
  • Use a roller or a similar tool to apply additional pressure to the tape, helping it bond more firmly to the flashing.
  • If the tape is applied in a straight line, use a sharp knife or scissors to trim off any excess tape.

Remember to wear gloves when handling flashing tape, as the adhesive can be difficult to remove from your skin. If you need to make a repair, simply cut a piece of tape to fit over the damaged area and follow the same steps as above. Flashing tape is a quick and easy way to seal your flashing and protect your home from water damage.

Caulk the edges

Caulking the edges of flashing tape is a useful technique for creating an additional layer of protection against water infiltration. Flashing tape is a type of waterproof material that is used to seal the edges of roofs, windows, and doors in order to prevent water from entering the structure.

Caulk is a flexible, waterproof sealant that is used to fill gaps and seal joints in a variety of building materials. When applying caulk to the edges of flashing tape, it is important to use a silicone-based caulk specifically designed for use on metal or plastic, depending on the material of your flashing.

To apply the caulk, first, cut the tip of the caulk tube to the desired width and apply a continuous bead of caulk along the edges of the flashing tape. Use a caulk smoothing tool or your finger to smooth out the caulk and ensure that it is evenly distributed.

Be sure to wipe away any excess caulk and clean up any drips or smudges before the caulk dries. Once the caulk has fully cured, it will create a strong, water-resistant seal that will help to protect your structure from water infiltration.

Paint the flashing

Flashing is a thin, continuous strip of material (such as metal or plastic) that is used to protect a building’s roof, walls, and other surfaces from water damage. Flashing is typically installed in areas where two different building materials meet, such as where a roof meets a wall, to prevent water from infiltrating the structure.

If your flashing is metal, it is a good idea to paint it to protect it from corrosion. Corrosion can weaken the metal and make it more prone to leaks and other damage. To paint metal flashing, you should use a metal paint specifically designed for use on flashing. These types of paints are formulated to adhere to metal surfaces and provide a durable, long-lasting finish.

To paint the flashing, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. This typically involves cleaning the surface of the flashing to remove any dirt or debris, applying a coat of primer (if recommended by the manufacturer), and then applying the metal paint according to the instructions. Make sure to allow the paint to dry completely before using the flashing or exposing it to the elements.

If your flashing is plastic, it is generally not necessary to paint it. Plastic flashing is resistant to corrosion and typically does not require additional protection.

However, if you do decide to paint plastic flashing, be sure to use a paint that is specifically designed for use on plastic surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and allow the paint to dry completely before using the flashing.

How To Install Flashing At the Bottom Of Siding

Installing flashing at the bottom of the siding involves the following steps:

  • Measure the length of the area where you want to install the flashing and cut a piece of flashing material to fit. Flashing can be made of metal, such as aluminium or galvanized steel, or it can be made of a flexible, waterproof material like rubber or PVC.
  • Clean the area where the flashing will be installed. This will help the flashing adhere properly and ensure a good seal.
  • Peel the backing off the flashing and place it against the bottom of the siding. Make sure the flashing is level and aligned with the bottom of the siding.
  • Secure the flashing in place with nails or staples, spacing them about 6 inches apart. If you are using a flexible flashing material, you may need to use a caulk gun to apply a continuous bead of sealant along the bottom edge of the flashing.
  • Once the flashing is in place, use a putty knife or similar tool to smooth out any excess sealant or caulk and ensure a smooth, even seal.

It’s important to properly install flashing at the bottom of the siding to help prevent water from entering the walls of your home and causing damage. Flashing helps redirect water away from the siding and foundation of your home, protecting it from water damage.

Flashing Wall To Concrete Slab

Flashing a wall to a concrete slab involves installing a waterproof barrier along the transition between the wall and the slab. This is typically done to prevent water from seeping into the wall or underneath the slab, which can cause damage to the building and create a breeding ground for mould and mildew.

There are several steps involved in flashing a wall to a concrete slab:

  • Clean the surface: The first step is to thoroughly clean the surface of the wall and the slab to remove any dirt or debris that could interfere with the installation of the flashing.
  • Install a moisture barrier: Next, a moisture barrier is installed along the transition between the wall and the slab. This can be a sheet of waterproof material, such as a roll of flashing or a layer of tar paper.
  • Install the flashing: The flashing is then installed over the moisture barrier. This can be a strip of metal or a specially designed flashing product made of rubber or another waterproof material.
  • Seal the flashing: Finally, the flashing is sealed to the wall and the slab using a sealant or caulk. This helps to ensure that the flashing is properly sealed and will remain in place for the long term.

Flashing a wall to a concrete slab is an important step in preventing water damage and ensuring the integrity of the building. It should be performed by a skilled professional who is familiar with the proper techniques and materials for the job.


Proper flashing installation and maintenance are crucial for the overall integrity and durability of your home. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your flashing is properly sealed and protected against water infiltration and damage. Don’t neglect this important aspect of home maintenance – a little bit of effort and attention can go a long way in preventing costly repairs down the road.


Q. Can you attach flashing to concrete?

Yes, it is possible to attach flashing to concrete. Flashing is a thin, impervious material that is used to prevent water infiltration in building construction. To attach flashing to concrete, you will need to use concrete screws or adhesive. First, clean the concrete surface and mark the area where the flashing will be placed.

Then, pre-drill holes in the flashing and concrete using a masonry drill bit. Next, insert concrete screws or apply adhesive to the back of the flashing and press it firmly against the concrete surface. Finally, seal the edges of the flashing with a silicone sealant to ensure a watertight seal.

Q. How do you flash against siding?

To flash against the siding, you will need to install flashing along the base of the siding. Flashing is a thin piece of material, usually made of metal or plastic, that is used to protect a building from water damage by directing water away from the structure.

To install flashing against the siding, you will need to measure and cut the flashing to fit the area where it will be installed. Next, you will need to secure the flashing in place using nails or screws. Finally, you will need to seal the flashing with caulk or a similar waterproof sealant to ensure that it is properly protected from the elements.

Q. Where should flashing be installed in a masonry wall?

Flashing should be installed in a masonry wall in a way that directs water away from the wall. This typically involves installing flashing at the base of the wall, where it meets the ground, as well as at any points where the wall intersects with other building elements,

such as windows or doors. Flashing should be installed in a way that is seamless and continuous, with no breaks or gaps, to ensure that it effectively directs water away from the wall and prevents moisture from infiltrating the building.

Q. Can flashing go over the siding?

Flashing is a thin material, usually made of metal or plastic, that is used to seal and protect the joints and edges of building materials, such as siding, from water damage. Flashing can be installed over siding, but it is usually installed underneath the siding or behind it.

The flashing should be installed in a way that it covers the joints between the siding and other building materials, such as the foundation, walls, and roof, to create a water-tight seal. Proper installation of flashing is important to prevent water damage to the building.

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